25 Productive Things That Can Be Done From Home
Hey guys, this is a really strange and scary time for our Nation and world, but we all have to try and remain calm and positive (as much as we can). I know everyone has been hearing different things regarding the COVID-19, but consistently across the board they are saying the best thing we can do is stay home and practice "social distancing". With that being said, I know lots of us are feeling unsettled and upset with this news. Yet, if we must stay inside, let's focus on being productive from home.
What we have to keep reminding ourselves is that this is NOT permanent. The sooner we can stop spreading the virus and prevent more people from getting it, the better. I wanted to write and share this post not only because it's regarding a worldwide issue that is effecting everyone globally, but also try to shine light on the brighter side of this pandemic. If you have an open mindset to see things from a different point of view, you won't have to spend the next two, three weeks bored, stressed and worried. I am a firm believer that your mind/thoughts determine the quality of life you live, so staying positive is key!
All in all, this is how I see it: a.) You can let this unsettling time make you angry, worried, sad, rebellious or b.) Except it, take the necessary precautions and use the time to benefit you. If we have to be inside for the next two or three weeks, make it worth your while. As most of you already know, even if we aren't put on mandatory quarantine, everything socially is slowly but surely being closed temporarily.
Hopefully there won't be another pandemic/crisis that will put the world on hold, so let's use this time to protect the people we love, stop the spread and get things done! Below is my list of productive things that can be done from home.
25 Productive Things That Can Be Done From Home
1. Get a jump start on your Spring Cleaning
2. Complete your taxes
3. Enjoy REAL quality time with those near you
4. Face-time your loved ones and friends.
5. Catch up on some much needed beauty sleep
6. Take a walk/jog - get some FRESH air
7. Switch out your closets (primary for those of us who live up North)
8. Clean out your closets/drawers/cabinets etc.
9.Read a book
10. Do a puzzle
11. Listen to music
12. Try a new recipe
13. Catch up on emails
14. Get ahead on work, schoolwork or both
15. Meditate
16. Spread positivity through social media
17. Call your loved ones and have meaningful conversations
18. Enjoy a cocktail or 2 or 3
19. Netflix and chill
20. Enjoy a cigar
21. Do laundry
22. Play cards
23. Journal
24. Treat yourself to "Self Care" days with at home face/hair masks
25. Take more moment(s) to be thankful
Please stay safe, healthy and positive over the next couple of weeks, while making the most of your time. Wishing you and your loved ones only the best during this challenging time.